Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Cranes

Good Luck in Spain (aka Stepped in Sh&*)

Yeah, if you step on a dog land mine in Spain, then you are supposed to be blessed with good luck. Here are some pics of people's blessed days (on of them is mine I think).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Graffiti Pullback

These are photos and scenes that I have ran into while exploring street art for my sevigraffiti blog. I focus on the art and the work more in those pictures, focusing on the colors and the visualizations created. Here, I have tried to capture the canvas and surrounding areas where graffiti and street art tend to hide.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

COMM Collection

This collection of photos is my first in a series of black and white collections I am working on as a part of my time abroad in Spain and traveling around Europe. This one is inspired by my interest in electronics and communications, a means of transporting musical and video products to people around the world.

Complete Gallery can be found at: